Japanese Moxibustion – foundations, revision and improvement, with Felip Caudet, guest from Spain
Japanese moxibustion (Okyu) includes different techniques, all focused on achieving a quick and pleasant recovery of health. Moxibustion is known in the West as a technique of Chinese medicine but it should be noted that under the Japanese approach, moxa techniques have reached a unique level of therapeutic refinement. This makes it a very attractive therapy for anyone who wants to optimize their treatment strategies and resources in any area of health.
The introductory seminar is a way to get an overview of this exciting field. Okyu techniques can be graduated from very soft (subtle techniques) to very strong (physical and structural techniques). In the subtle sense, the heat of okyu is understood under an energetic concept (supplementation or dispersion of Qi) and not thermal. A good example is the chinetsukyu (indirect technique) a technique developed to work at the surface level, directly to the Wei Qi.
On the other hand, there is the tonetsukyu (direct technique) perhaps the most special moxibustion technique that exists since it consists of the application of very small cones the size of a grain of rice at specific points . This technique makes it possible to regulate the energy, blood and lymphatic situation of the tissues working on the so-called “living” points. By favoring the development of manual sensitivity in the search for “living points” and by applying the tiny cones of high quality artemisia, an unequaled level of efficiency is achieved. One of its particularities lies, among other things, in the way of understanding the treatment, that is to say that the whole technique aims to treat in real time the situation from which the patient suffers. There are no assumptions or speculations, but clear evidence of the situation and the changes we bring about through treatment. Thanks to this type of moxibustion, we obtain a stimulus for the immune system and a rebalancing in the entire meridian system, which in turn will regulate any organic or functional disorder. The remission of pain and the recovery of functionality in complicated cases are usually very spectacular for their speed and comfort.
Introduction to Japanese moxibustion (origin and types of techniques, direct and indirect moxibustion)
Specific materials (Yomogi and Moghusa)
Types of moxibustion techniques
Energetic physiology and biochemistry of okyu.
Indirect technique. Chinatsukyu. Understanding moxibustion.
- Roll chinetsukyu cones
- Application and treatments
Basic technique of direct moxibustion. Tonetsukyu.
- Roll moxa cones. Characteristics (size, shape and density)
- Application and lighting on the cones
- Mastery of fire
Contraindications and recommendations in the application of direct moxa.
The “living” points. For what? How? Or?
Peculiarities of “living” points
Location and palpation.
Point search.
Specific Applications (Additional Points)
Techniques to treat inflammations and soft tissues.
Bio – Felip Caudet
Felip Caudet has been working as a physiotherapist and acupuncturist since 1999, and specializes in Japanese moxibustion. He studied with masters Tetsuya Fukushima and Hideo Shinma (son of Master Fukaya). Currently, Felip is recognized as the fourth in line of teachers of the Fukaya style of moxibustion due to his developments and contributions to the style. He also developed a revolutionary method of moxibustion called the Kinseikyu method (Posture Balance with Moxibustion). He has published several books, some translated into other languages, on moxibustion and articles in international journals such as the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Acu or Osaka Shinkyu Journal. Today he combines his clinical activity in Spain with teaching all over the world (Japan, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands).
Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 May 2023
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Montreal Gongfu Research Center, 5773 Chabot Street
$495.00 plus tax
Total: $569.13
To reserve your place, contact us at seminaires@montrealgongfu.com. Your registration will be confirmed once the registration form has been completed and your first payment has been received.
Payment can be made by check (made out to Ethan Murchie and sent to 6512 rue Drolet, Montreal, H2S 2S8) or by Interact transfer to seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.
Terms and Conditions
The participants undertake never to circulate the educational material received during the seminars. Video recordings are not permitted.
Payment can be made in two installments, half when you reserve your place and the balance on the first day of the seminar. In the event of withdrawal, stipulated in writing only, 14 days before the start of the seminar, participants will be able to obtain a full refund of their deposit. 7 days before the start of the training, 50% of the given payment will be refunded. In the event of abandonment during the seminar or in the event of absence, the full cost remains due.
For any questions, contact us at seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.