
5773, Chabot street, Montreal



Tuina – Foundation

Dates & Time
Classes are given from 8 am to 4:30 pm.

FALL 2024 (weekends)

September 28 – 29
October 19 – 20
November 23 – 24


Teacher: Ethan Murchie, Ac.

Duration: Three 15-hour parts, for a total of 45 hours in class.
Continuing education credits will be issued to acupuncturists having successfully completed the course (4.5 credits).

Montreal Gongfu Research Center
5773, Chabot street, Montreal


Description and General Objectives

This lengthy training course (45 hours) has the general objective of offering students a solid foundation in the practice of tuina and in the cultivation of physical exercises that will allow the development of the manual dexterity necessary for practicing tuina safely and effectively.

When practiced according to traditional Chinese medicine, tuina is a complete therapy in and of itself, and is a relevant form a of treatment for all types of illness and injury. These techniques are applicable in a professional context and also at home in the family environment.

In addition, we will focus on developing skill in palpation and on understanding traditional Chinese medicine principles that touches on the physiology of energy.

Mr. Ethan Murchie, Ac., certified instructor of Jin Shou Tui Na with the American Association of Bodywork Therapies of Asia, of traditional Thai massage with the International Thai Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and of Xingyiquan and Baguazhang (Chinese internal martial arts) with the North American Tang Shou Tao Association, for which he is the acting president, offers a program designed to make you progress effectively according to your level.


Course Contents and Goals

This training seminar has the following objectives:

  • Apply traditional Chinese medicine principles in the bodywork techniques unique to tuina.
  • Execute fundamental manual tuina techniques effectively.
  • Execute the foundational qigong of Wang Ji Wu’s Longevity Exercises, as well as strengthening exercises effectively.
  • Grasp and understand the close relationship between physical and energetic structures, between massage and exercise.
  • For acupuncturists: integrate tuina techniques into your strategy during an acupuncture treatment.


Target audience
Acupuncturists, massage therapists, general public


Number of participants
Maximum number of participants: 12


Evaluation and Passing Grade

At the end of the third part of the seminar, participants will receive a written evaluation from the instructor, based on their execution of the techniques during the final exam.

A certificate of achievement will be given to participants who will have been present for at least 80% of the seminar, and who will have received a satisfactory evaluation from the instructor, having demonstrated their understanding of the techniques.


$1495,00$ plus taxes ($1718.88)
payable in two instalments of $747.50 plus taxes (859,44$)


To reserve your place, email us at seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.

Your registration will be confirmed upon reception of your first payment. You can send a check for your payment addressed to Ethan Murchie, mailed at 6512 Drolet street, Montral, H2S 2S8. You can also send your payment via Interac transfer to seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.


Terms and Conditions

Participants agree to never share or circulate learning materials obtained during this course. Video recording is prohibited.

Payment can be done in two instalments. The first half can be paid upon registration and the rest on the first day of the seminar. Participants who cancel (in writing only) 14 days prior to the seminar may get a full reimbursement. If they cancel 7 days prior, they will obtain 50% reimbursement. Full cost is due for participants who abandon the course or who are absent during the seminar.

For more information, contact seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.


Cours de Tuina à Montréal